Wednesday, May 25, 2011

To Blog or to Paint? That is the Question....

I haven't written a blog for a couple of weeks and that was because I was using all my spare time painting. Not painting walls and rooms. Painting pictures of cats. I have always painted intermittently, usually when the creative urge struck. I go through different themes and for a while it was paintings of landscapes and especially places I had visited. So I have pictures of Yellowstone Park, New Mexico, Burlington, Oregon and Canada piling up in the room I call loosely my studio.

My paintings are done purely for my own enjoyment. I like the feel of putting down paint and getting a certain effect. My drawing skills are limited but I have developed a specific style of easy painting and it has become a form of relaxation.

I started a blog at the beginning of this year and found that too was for my own enjoyment and also a form of relaxation. I planned to write a blog about once a week but life tends to get in the way of plans, don't you think. I also found a lot of people liked to read my random thoughts as well so I kept going. I looked at other peoples blogs and saw that a lot of blogs were not written at all but were photos, paintings, recipes , music, videos etc. etc. so clearly the blog as a format is in a state of transformation. I guess it started from a daily log and progressed from there. Blog isn't a very nice word. Too much like slog or clog and I don't think I much like being called a Blogger.

So to get back to my original question. To blog or to paint? Just as my blog was really for me and my paintings are for me, I then got a challenge from a friend. Would I please paint pictures of her cats? She has seen the paintings I had done of my son's cats and wanted the same thing done. I was a bit nervous about doing that. My son would be gracious enough to say ,”Great job Mum “when I painted his cats however the paintings came out but could I do this just as well for someone else. I thought about it and decided I would give it a try. Well strangely enough. once I got into the swing of things and started painting away, I really enjoyed doing it and even with my style coming out in the paintings , the cats look almost like they should. I shall just have to wait to see if their owner recognizes them from the paintings to see if I got the likeness right. I think I did.

So now I am torn between blogging or painting. Hey, maybe I can combine the two and do a plog or a blainting. Better check first and see if anyone else is doing that. So I've added the paintings to this blog so is this a plog or a blainting or even a paint blog. Now I'm confusing myself.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mrs Crazybird

Tree & high window

So one day in early March I'm sitting at my computer in the living room, when I hear this noise “Bonk, bonk, bonk.”
I yell at poor Mocha , the chocolate lab, who I can't see but guess its her tail wagging as she dreams her life away. The noise continues and gets very irritating so I get up to see just what the dog is doing. Well, she isn't doing anything but the noise has stopped.

The next day the same thing happens , “Bonk, bonk, bonk”. Crazy dog , I think. It's not until this event happens a few times, I realize it isn't the dog as she is sitting right beside me and it isn't her tail making the noise.
The next time I hear the bonk, bonk, I get up and think its coming from the chimney. We have a large brick chimney that goes from ceiling to floor. I get a flashlight and peer up the chimney, getting rather dirty as I do so. Nothing up there. Maybe it's something outside on the roof. So I go outside and peer at the roof. I can't see any tree branch or anything falling on the roof but I also can't hear the noise from outside either.
I go inside, glance up at the high window at the side of the chimney and just in time see a crazy bird flinging itself at the window. Puzzle solved.
Mrs Crazybird.

I watch carefully. The crazy bird continues to do this for 30 minutes or so at a time. “Bonk, bash, bonk ,bash”. It didn't make a mistake by flying into the window. It is actually meaning to bang into the window. I think it must be trying to commit bird suicide. It's a brown and red female cardinal, so it's a midsized bird and the noise and the thud are quite pronounced. I remembered when we lived at our other house we had a male cardinal that did the same thing on the side mirror of one our cars. It would sit and peck and chat away to the mysterious bird that kept appearing. That got to be quite a pain with all the white bird droppings on the side door of the car.

So I thought about it and realized that my female cardinal, Mrs Crazybird was obviously seeing her reflection in the northerly facing window and must be thinking this is a rival bird out to steal her admirers so she was determined to get rid of it. She obviously hadn't made much progress because each time she flew up to that tree there in the window was the rival bird. Throwing her whole body at it made a lot of noise and it scared the bird  away for a moment but was back as quick as a wink.

So a solution had to be found before Mrs Crazybird broke her beak or wing or something worse and before I went insane with the bonking sound. I remembered with the car bird. I mostly solved that by just putting a cloth over the side mirror of the car and also putting another mirror on a tree in the side bushes so then Mr Cardinal could chat away to his heart' s content. However in his case he seemed to be enjoying the experience whereas Mrs Crazybird was definitely peeved.

Covering up the window was not a practical solution as the window is mighty high up, right by the roof line and you need an extension ladder to reach it .Besides which we need all the light coming into our room as we can get. Neither was cutting down the tree the bird perches on before making her swoops at the window as it takes a long while to grow trees in Texas and anyhow I like that crepe myrtle.

I did go and find an old mirror and managed to suspend it in the cleft of a side tree right by the side of the house where I know the bird sits but Mrs Crazybird wasn't interested in that mirror or in that other bird. She totally ignored it and continued to attack her rival.

Maybe if I get rid of the reflection I thought. That should work. So first I found the “hidden” flash light. The one we can never find especially when we need it. That didn't work as the beam of light hardly reached the window ledge. It might have worked in the evening but by then Mrs Crazybird has gone home and all is quiet.

So we found an old long standard lamp, the kind which shines directly up. Then we had to balance that on a side table and then put both table and lamp on the side of the brick fireplace surround. Very surrealistic interior design. The bird stopped for all of one afternoon only to resume bright and early the following morning so that didn't work.

A distraction had to be found. I set too and made this cute little mobile out of used shiny CDs. Lots of reflections to confuse the bird and with it swinging in the wind, that should do it. It was quite a game getting it to hook up outside on the ledge above the window using a long long stick and lots of “Winnie the Pooh's Oh Bothers!!”. It was quite an attraction for a few days. Lots of the other birds came to look at it and even peck at the shiny disks. But Mrs Crazybird saw through the ploy and continued to attack her rival who had cunningly hidden behind the swinging disks.

Well , I have almost given up on it and the bird hasn't killed or hurt itself. I have now become so used to the bonking noise that it hardly registers. I'm hoping that soon the Mrs Crazybird will realize that Spring is here and she should be sitting on her nest and looking after the babies... However if anyone has a solution please let me know.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Missing Sock Dilemma

Yesterday when I was outside gardening I realized I was on my last pair of socks. I always wear socks inside my wellington boots , even if it is 100 degrees. Which made me start to think about socks.

When both my boys were living at home I would be forever finding socks all around the house. They usually were rolled up in a ball as I think most teenage boys throw their socks at something automatically when they take them off. Some socks ( very few) would land in the laundry basket but some of the other places they were found in were quite a mystery; under the seat of the car, always at the farthest point under the bed , behind the couch and quite often out in the yard. Not always the boys fault with this last place as we always had dogs and old ( and new) socks were and are, a favorite play toy for dogs. Something about the smell I think.

Mike has a plethora of socks and even now always seems to be buying new socks. I, on the other hand, have just a few pairs which get worn out, holey or just lost. Which leads me on to my thought 'Where do lost/missing socks go?

When I do laundry I just hate washing socks. I sort them into lights and darks. That is okay. I get them out from the dryer and I have this mountainous pile of socks to sort but do they ever match up into pairs again. NO!

Have you noticed even when you buy socks in a set , say 4 pairs all the same color or pattern, after they have been washed they never seem to match up again. I spread them all out over the bed and perform the matching game. The ones that have a different knit, the short ones from the long ones but always there are some that never quite seem to match be it a variation in color shade, a different feel to the material, wrong size and of course , at the end of the game ,there is always the inevitable lone sock.

So I look in the dryer and its not there. I look on the floor by the washing machine and the bedroom , under the bed but no matching sock. This happens time and time again. Occasionally at a later laundry time, I might find the missing sock returning from its vacation and be able to match it but I still have a forever growing pile of odd socks waiting for its partner to turn up.

I noticed when I mentioned this to a friend she said the same thing happened to her . Just where do all these missing socks go? So if you want an answer to a question the easiest way is to 'Google “ it. Right ,so that's what I did. Would you believe there is a”Bureau of Missing Socks”. I thought it might be rock group or a infamous painting but no. It's supposedly an organization set up by the USA government at the time of the civil war to deal with issuing socks to its soldiers and continues to this day going through all kinds of strange and interesting changes. As I read all about it, it sounded like it would be the plot of a zany movie. Read about it here ( with your tongue in your cheek)
and decide for yourself if it is our tax dollars at work or just a wonderful fabrication. I still think it would make a great movie! And as an added bonus you'll find out how the catch phrase “Sock it to me “ originated. I bet , like me you thought it came from the TV series “Laugh In”

So I continued researching .

Well then I found out about sock gnomes and sock goblins. I bet you didn't know about these mysterious creatures either. It seems they are arch enemies . The sock gnomes have 4 feet and they are the ones that pilfer the socks but along come the sock goblins,the good guys, probably they wear white hats, and they are the ones that bring the missing socks back. I don't think they are winning this game so far at least in my house.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rambling Through My Dreams

The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary. 
~Ashleigh Brilliant

Its already hot and humid in North Texas making it easier to fall asleep in the afternoon.
I usually sit down after lunch and read and quite often I drift off for a little nap. I do notice though that on these catnaps I never seem to dream.

Mind you, I have noticed even at night, I don't seem to dream much either or maybe I should say I don't remember dreaming very often. Now Mike, on the other hand, seems to remember in great detail all the convoluted twist and turns of his dreams. His dreams seem to be concentrated on mostly the ordinary things in life; work , projects, traveling etc. He has reoccurring dreams too of running through the airport trying to get to the airplane on time. This must be a relic of his working days that has stayed with him after all these years. He often wakes up with a person on his mind who he saw in the dream , someone he knew ages ago but can't remember the name. And then comes the invariable question, “ Remember that guy we went out with in London, the one with the piercing eyes and funny shirt? What was his name?"

When I wake up, immediately any dream I might have had, has disappeared. Just gone. I do remember once waking up because I was giggling and laughing so hard that it actually woke me up .And what was the dream about? I was in a dentist chair and had been having my teeth pulled out!! Dreams are very strange. Maybe it was my brain reminding me that I needed to go for a check up !!

The only other dream I can remember in detail was a dream I had when I was a very small child. I must have been about 3 or 4 years old. I was on a high wall of some kind in the middle of a big battle; there were soldiers wearing red and black uniforms and the noise and smoke and fire was everywhere, It was very real. Movie picture quality. Suddenly I felt a pain in my body and saw myself falling over a high wall,. I screamed , everything went dark and I woke up. Young as I was I can still feel how scared I felt. It might have been a night mare but it has lasted with me all these years. Where did that dream originate? I have thought about it and the dream could have been a reflection on the war and all the talk about World War 2 I would overhear but at my young age would not understand . This was in the days before television and I'm pretty sure I was too young to read so where did this dream come from. I often wonder about that.

The other thing I have noticed about dreams is that for years after we had moved from England to Canada and then to Texas , the dreams always seemed to reflect England. Even if I knew the house or the person in the dream was in Texas or Canada it always seemed to be in an English countryside. Now is that because I grew up in England and those are the oldest thoughts in my mind or because subconsciously I have never left England.

Some people reckon that if you take note of your dreams you can solve many problems. Seems logical to me. After all if you think and think about a problem during the day, maybe at night your mind can work on it at night and then the answer is solved in a dream. Maybe that where the expression came from “ I'll sleep on it”.

I know at one time they ( remember the department of they) said that if you wanted to learn anything you should tape it and put in under your pillow at night so the information would go into your brain and you would learn and remember your new subject. I have never tried it but not sure I could go to sleep with a voice coming from under my pillow.

Dream catcher photo wikipedia
Then there is the other kind of dream that maybe originates at night but becomes during the daylight an aspiring thought; something you plan or dream to do at some time. Maybe we should ask kids,"What do you dream you would like to do when you are grown up?" rather than "What do you want to be when you are grown up?" I think the answers would be very different. Dreams give you the idea of infinite possibilities. Maybe that is why we dream at night because then all our dreams become possibilities.

So as the song goes Dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams become true.
Or you could invest in a dream-catcher. That way only good thoughts and dreams will filter through the web and bad thoughts will fade with the light.
And do listen to Gary Wright singing . “Dream weaver” at youtube and continue to believe in your dreams.

Sweet dreams you'all.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Eyes Have It.

Elizabeth Taylor died recently. She was one of the most beautiful ladies of all times, a classic beauty and a great actress and truly a star. As I was watching the reports on TV, I heard of her beautiful violet blue eyes, a color very special and rare but I didn't know she was also born with a double set of eyelashes which added to her allure and beauty.

Eyes do make a lot of difference to a person. If you are like me , it's the person's eyes that can make all the difference to my understanding of them. It is the part of the face that I can't help but notice and also the part I am drawn to. The eyes are supposed to be”the window to the soul” and I quite believe that. What is it that makes one person so special to us and another one, we can't abide. Could it be a glance in the eyes gives you a glance into the soul or being of that other person?

I think the color has something to do with our fascination with eyes. Think of some of the famous people you know, Paul Newman, Frank Sinatra and immediately you think “blue, blue eyes”. I read somewhere that the blue eyes gene does not mutate like the brown eyes gene does . There have been people over the last 6000 to 10000 years that have had blue eyes and so in fact because of this blue eye gene, they are all related to each other. I am sure both my daughter in law and granddaughter will be very pleased to hear that they might be related to Paul Newman , Frank Sinatra and even Elizabeth Taylor.

And thinking about Paul Newman and his car racing career , I think there is something very special about racing car drivers and their eyes. They all have very penetrating eyes, no matter what the color. Is this something they are born with or does it develop with their skill? In the high speed sport in which they are engaged and where a lack of concentration can mean life or death, is this a trait they must have?

Now good actors , on the other hand, have the ability to show within their eyes different emotions and different characters .Even so, some are very much typecast by their eyes and how they appear. I can't imagine Robert Redford playing a nasty or cruel person not with his friendly eyes . Likewise Antony Hopkins just makes you shudder. Just think of him in “Silence of the Lambs” his eyes are just scary. Now we have such great technical make up and effects that can change a person's eyes and features so even Brad Pitt could become a monster.

 Bette Davis must have had outstanding memorable eyes because she even had a song named after her eyes. Remember “she had Bette Davis eyes,” kind of soft,sultry and sexy at the same time.

It's the same with cats' eyes . I don't mean the great device for helping us see along roads in the dark although I can quite see why those are called cats' eyes. Catch a real cat out in a dark yard and cat eyes really glow. 
Cats ,unlike dogs, do not show affection within their eyes but seem , at least to me, to be analyzing the situation and deciding on what their next move will be. That is not to say their eyes aren't beautiful because it is also a thing much noted in a cat. A cat's eyes are actually blue for the first 9 weeks and only gradually change color and sometimes what wonderful colors they end up with as well. Colors you would never see on a dog. Marmalade orange and emerald green and even yes , sometimes blue .

Dogs on the other hand have open, readable  eyes and you can see what they are thinking. Their emotions come through. See that sparkle when a dog gets a treat or you pick up a leash to go for a walk. No escaping the happiness gleam coming through. Likewise check out the dogs in a cage in a shelter .Nothing so pathetic and heart breaking as a sad dog's eyes waiting for someone to take him home.

Then of course there are the people and pets with odd color eyes. Most disconcerting in both I find. With animals, it can be a mark of deafness or some kind of eye problem but in people it has long been a note of high superstition . It led to accusations of being a witch or of possessing the evil eye , not a good quality to have in ancient times. I only remember Margaret, a lovely lady, who had odd eyes, a brown eye and also a green eye and she was the kindness and most loving and considerate person you could ever wish to meet, Certainly no witch but she did have outstanding but disquieting eyes.

NB. I do know my title should be 'The Ayes have it” not “The Eyes have it”but who wants to think about politics these days!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rambling along the Green Path

Saint Patrick’s Day came and green was everywhere You could even see it in the pool and fountain at the White House in Washington. The Irish green beer was being drunk in plenty in Chicago and New York and probably in lots of other places as well. I bet there were lots of green ties ,shirts and blouses , funny green hats and funny green shoes to be seen  in offices, shops, pubs and parties.
I'm not sure why green is associated with Saint Pat or why it comes at this time of the year but we know Ireland is a very green place. Fly over it at any time. There is no doubt green is the color of Ireland.

Green is also the color of a Texas spring. It is just wonderful to see all the bright leaf greens appearing after most of the blossom fades. One thing that surprises me is the many shades of green of the leaves and how quickly the pale green turns darker as the days progress.

As a painter the color green is the one I have most problems in mixing to get the shade I need. I know to get a basic green you mix blue and yellow but I can never quite get the tone I like. My color green is always too intense or primitive.

I suppose it's this variation and the link of the color green and growing plants that has come to symbolize the Green movement. I am happy that it is still moving along and progressing, be it very slow at times but there are still signs of life .

Finally we have curbside recycling in my part of Texas even though we do have to pay for it extra to our garbage pick up fee. I can remember if you wanted to recycle you had to collect all your cans and papers and haul them away to collection bins. That's if you could even find one. I understand there is big money in all these recyclables so I never can understand why we have to pay to have ours collected. Still we would recycle anyhow to do our bit to keep the earth green.

I shudder every time I think of that huge swath of plastic bags and junk that is said to be floating around somewhere in the Pacific ocean that is about the size of Texas just because people are downright lazy and will not clean up after themselves and recycle.
At least a a few countries have started the ball rolling and outlawed the useful but everlasting plastic bag. Finally shopping bags are becoming fashionable again. Maybe there is hope for the oceans yet.

Any plastic bags we do get, I collect to give to a friend who has taken on a self imposed volunteer job to go around clearing up the lanes and roadsides around where she lives as she wants her part of the world to stay green. She uses the bags to collect the bottles and cans that are thrown there by definitely NON green people.Cheers to her. She sets a great example.

I did wonder if these plastic bags and plastic items are made from oil could there not be a process found that could turn them back to oil?That could solvea lot of problems.

I am always amazed at the huge piles of garbage that is still being collected and not recycled. Travel all over the place and new mountains and hills are being made from all the junk we throw away. We have a couple of these mountains close to us. They will make good ski slopes if it ever snows long enough.

The problem is we have too much these days and are very wasteful of our resources. When I was growing up everything was saved. It was during the war and so everything was in short supply and used as much as possible. String was saved to be used over and over again. Paper bags were used as wrapping paper especially at Christmas and for mailing packages. Newspaper was one of the most useful items to be reused. Some of you will remember the time when 'fish & chips” was always wrapped in yesterdays newspaper. Glass jars were very usable and I can remember collecting a halfpenny each for each one I found when I sold them back to the store. Old habits die hard I suppose so recycling is not such a strange idea to older folk.
Just think how quickly nature takes back an area that man has discarded and believe that in the end, green will prevail
Please try to recycle and reuse as much as you can.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What did you say?

Grandad's Loblob car
Butinski?” said Mike.
What?” I said. Mike was doing what he always does at breakfast besides eating his very healthy meal of bran flakes, banana and raisins. He was trying to solve the puzzle on his daily MENSA calendar. Usually he can do these puzzles quite easily on his own and I only get called into adding my wise(?) thoughts if he is stuck. Not of course if the puzzle has to do with numbers or math. I'm useless at those.
Any other clues?” I said.
Well MENSA says it's a common uncapitalized English word.

Now I'm the reader of the family so usually I know many obscure words or at least can hazard a guess at what they might mean. “Sounds like a Polish thing to me ...maybe a general” I said. “Or on second thoughts, maybe a person that invented something scientific.”

I left him to ponder the answer and went out to do my daily walk. While I walked, I let my mind ramble about strange and different kinds of words. I glanced down at my walking shoes. I really need to get a new pair. The shoes I call walking shoes are I think often called sport shoes these days. I can remember a while back when the term for them was running shoes. I know some people called them trainers and some called them pumps. Maybe today the kids call them by the brand name, Nike or Adidas or whatever is in fashion now.

When I came over from England and taught in Montreal, I faced a first grade class that looked like the offspring of the United Nations. There were English and French Canadians, English, Scottish, Irish, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Romanian and West Indian children facing me. I am sure all those children's mothers called running shoes something different as well but in my class they were refered to as “plimsolls” because that is what I knew them as at that time.

A while back when I was first learning about computers, I adopted two darling kittens and we were trying to think of neat names for them both. Have you noticed that a lot of new words come about because of computer use? Well our kittens became Pixel, because his coat had many blended colors and a Wysiwig because “what you see is what you get".
Friend is another word which is definitely being changed because of the internet. Now it's a verb, “May I friend you?" still sounds strange to me. Still on the whole I like the inventiveness of the new computer words.  Mike tells me some people have a dongle on their computer. Well I haven't found it yet. Widget I like as well. Not sure what it is but it sounds like it would be helpful. Can't be that long before some of these new words become part of the official English Dictionary

Kids invent words all the time and they become part of the individual family's vocabulary. When TIB was a baby and he saw an commercial on TV that featured slow motion photography of the kind where two lovers are running together through a beautiful meadow that became “soft running”. Very descriptive. I think "anbulince" came from him and we still use it today.
Half the fun of hearing toddlers learning to talk is the way they make up great new words to make their point. RMB always refered to Grandad's car as a loblob car, short for Ford Popular Prefect car. 

I remember there was radio program on the BBC eons ago and one of the characters was a small child ,Horace, who talked in baby talk which only certain people could understand and the catch phrase from the show was “ What did Horace say?” Well that became standard in our family for all kinds of situations when we encountered someone we couldn't understand or who talked in gobbledegook.

One of the old & famous comediens Stanley Unwin became a great star by using made up words to perform in a language that is both clever and hilarious. Check out his videos at Youtube. They are hilarious.

Probably the best known nonsense words that strangely enough made sense are the well known words of the poem by Lewis Carrol. He was a master of strange and unique words and very  peculiar stories if you think Of “Alice in Wonderland”


'TWAS brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
Check out the link for further verses
By the way, we had to look up the word butinsky on the web and found out that it was American slang for One who is prone to butt in, interrupt, or get involved where (s)he is not welcome.
Hardly a common English word MENSA!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Feeling Blue

It's a blogging kind of day today. We have had a very Spring like episode in the weather here in Texas with blue skies and sunshine when outside activities have dominated our days. We finally managed to get outside to start tidying up the garden and enjoying the daffodils and the blossom trees l after a longer and colder winter than we are used to. Now today we are back to gray skies and cold winds so inside activity is the thing to do.

Yesterday we painted our hallway , which tends to be a bit dark and a bit gloomy at times. Hallways are a bit like that. So to brighten it up we chose a yellow paint and I'm still not sure I like it.

Yellow once was my favorite color. Choose a new blouse or dress and I'd opt for a bright yellow. I was young . It was fresh and I loved yellow.

As I got older. like a lot of other things, even my choice of colors has changed. I have to think that now blue in all its many variations is my my color of choice. I began to let my mind ramble on why that might be. For sure a bright blue sky can do wonders to lift a flagging spirit. Even if it is really cold as it often is in Canada, a bright blue sky makes it feel less so. We are blessed in Texas to have many bright blue sky days but in the dog days of summer when it gets hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk, the sky looses its blueness and becomes almost white and just add to the feeling of malaise and inactivity.
Crater lake painting by SAB

Have you noticed how the blue in the sky changes? You would if you tried to paint it.
A year ago we visited Crater lake in Oregon. A wonderful trip and a must see if you visit out West. When I came back I tried to paint an oil painting of Crater lake but it was the sky with all the variation of blue that I had the most trouble with getting right. The lake itself was the deepest color blue for a lake that I had ever seen , rich and strong without being that ominous dark blue you see in some lakes.

Wedgwood blue ,that lovely light blue, is such a wonderful tone. Paint a room with it and you don't get tired of it. It always looks fresh and gives a sense of calm and peace.

I've always thought how great it would be to have blue eyes. Not so many people seem to have blue eyes anymore and we all miss Paul Newman who had outstanding , penetrating blue eyes. I met a girl once, a friend of friend and she had such intense blue eyes that I couldn't help staring at her. They mesmerized me. I had never seen eyes so blue. It was not till afterward I was told they were only colored contact lenses. I should have guessed. They had been too blue to be real. What a disappointment.

Blue also brings to mind my blue cat. Blue was a stray cat that was hiding out in our barn
Blue Cat
and at first he looked a bit like a cat out of a horror movie. His coat was dirty and almost black ; he was scrawny and thin and very very scared. It took months for him to become the beautiful Russian blue cat he became. His blue was a very special blue, a silvery blue grey. He loved sitting on your lap and I can guarantee the best kind of Blue to have.

There are a lot of songs with blue in the title and as I think of them it brings back memories. “Blue Moon' brings to mind an intense young man I danced with years ago.”Blue Skies” always makes me feel happy but the “the Birth of the Blues' makes me think of the other feelings associated with blue. The dark side. Are you feeling blue? That's not a nice wedgewood blue feeling more like a dark navy blue tinged with charcoal with maybe a mournful trumpet playing in the background.
Definitely not my kind of blue.

Here's one more blue song much more to my liking by one of my favorite singers, Neil Diamond of his greatest and well known. “Song Sung Blue.”
Listen and enjoy , courtesy of

Just looked outside and there in the clouds is “enough blue to make a Dutchman's pair of trousers “ so be assured grey skies are clearing and it will be a nice day after all.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Seeds of an Idea

        "I wonder what it could be?" I looked down in my red tin of seed packages and saw all kinds of packets and seeds .There at the bottom was a seed that was quite large and I couldn't remember it from last year. Well I set it in some potting soil, watered it and left it and maybe if it grows, the penny will drop, and I'll say "Oh yes, it was so and so..."

The best part of gardening to me is planting seeds. I am always just amazed that from these tiny little fragments can grow such wondrous things. Not only that, they all seem to know if they should grow into a dahlia or a daisy. They know if they like an abundance of water or sun and if they will be large or small .They know what kind of leaf they should grow, what color to be and  if they like bees or butterflies best .However the most amazing thing is  they produce new seeds that will look just like them. Within that little miniscule seed is all that information.

I read somewhere that every different kind of seed from all over the world is being collected into huge seed banks to be stored for future emergencies. Can you just imagine how big the building would have to be to store seeds from every kind of flower, tree, bush and growing thing? It's like an Ark for seeds.
 See Wikipedia for more info.
Banksia seed pod

Most plants make seeds in great abundance. Open a seed package and there are just too many to count. Look at the acorns underneath our oak trees in the garden and know nature is planning ahead to make sure at least some new oak trees will grow.

I suppose with humans and other living things our seed package would be in our genetic DNA and the miraculous thing is that is also packed into  tiny spaces and has a wealth of information. From a single particle of a hair, all kinds of things about me as an individual can be known. Not only that, information about my mother and father and what I might also pass on to my children and even their children is there for the reading if you know how to do it. I wonder one day if there will be a home machine where we can read our own DNA seed just like we look at our blood pressure readings. Now wouldn't that be interesting?
That sounds like the seed of an idea. But where do these abstract ideas come from? Is there a seed for ideas already planted in our DNA?. Maybe Great Grandma Millicent originated different ideas but didn't use them and so passed them on to me. So do we have ideas already buried deep within our DNA? Seeds passed on through generations of ancestors. Does that account for the prodigies of early age we hear about?

Or just maybe an idea is a new original seed that is just being evolved. How would it happen? An idea springs in your mind but comes from where ? Maybe it's an idea seed particle that you have read about or seen or heard or touched and it lodged in your brain. Maybe there are trillions of idea seed particles floating about in the universe all around us that we haven’t discovered yet.

Who knows, maybe there will be a machine to collect and read those floating idea seeds one day too. Now that would be truly amazing.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rambling Around in Circles

Happiness runs in a circular motion
Thought is like a little boat upon the sea.
Everybody is a part of everything anyway,
You can have everything if you let yourself be.

As I listened to the song “Happiness Runs” sung by Donovan, my mind drifted into a circular thought and I asked Mike if he had any thoughts about circles. He said,
Did you know that anyone who can draw a perfect circle is considered clinically insane? . Well I tried to draw a perfect circle and realized that drawing any kind of circle freehand is ultra difficult if not impossible. I have to think, if you did manage by trying over and over to draw the perfect circle, you would in fact, go insane. I did ask Mike where this information came from and he said according to Jack Farley, an old friend, this was well known and came from the Department of They.
Of course I fell for it.” Never heard of it .What is that?” I said.
Oh surely you have heard of them…. They said this and They said that…” Obviously an old version of Wikipedia

So I looked around and started noticing circles everywhere and some important ones at that. The most obvious ones are the wheels on our cars. Have you noticed how many different kinds there are now? Some seem even more fancier than the car itself. Probably if there hadn’t been circular wheels we’d all be a long way behind in civilization. Square wheels don’t work too well unless you are Fred Flintstone

I’ve always liked circles Remember those playground games where everyone held hands in a circle and chanted various rhymes.” Ring a ring a rosie, a pocket full of posies”. Little kids love that one and I found it to be a good ice-breaker for the kindergarteners.

Think of all the ball games you know- where would they be without a circle to start. - Tennis balls, soccer balls, cricket, baseballs and ping-pong balls. The list goes on. Yes I know a few have squished the ball to make it an oval but that probably came about after the circular ball got sat on a few times.

Our world is a big huge circle as well. When we think of the planets and stars not many rectangle or square ones come to mind. I really don’t think there are any, well at least none that we have found as yet. Maybe the square planets are somewhere in those black holes that everyone talks about.

And what about the circles, the ones we can’t see. My ramblings circle through my mind and link one to another circling round and round. I expect you’ve noticed that by now.

 Have you ever walked a labyrinth? It is a circular type pathway maze once used by pilgrims. Now it is used as an experience for expanding the mind. You walk on pathways that go round and round in circles. If you ever find one, try walking it and let your mind circle as you walk. It’s very satisfying and calming for the soul..

If you think about it, life seems to go in circles anyway. From birth the baby grows, becomes a child, becomes an adult, gets married, has offspring. gets old, get incapacitated, becomes like an infant again and then dies thereby circling life.  Just one gap in this circle, the one between birth and death which is still a mystery but I am one of those people who think there is surely a closure to complete the circle. I’ll save that deep ramble for another day.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Numbers have it or do they?

Counting  the cardinals ( photo by Mike)
Inch worm, inch worm, Measuring the marigolds
Could it be, stop and see, How beautiful they are….
Frank Loesser

We have a lot of trees on our acre yard. Mike will tell you there are about 300 and he’s more than willing to go out and actually count them to make sure. That’s the difference between us; he is a “numbers person” and I am not.
I have to make a big effort to learn any new phone numbers, driving license numbers or car license numbers and even now I have to look up my social security number even though I’ve had it for a lot of years. Now Mike on the other hand, can remember a tremendous amount of phone numbers even of homes we lived in ages ago. He knows all the license numbers, even mine, which is very helpful when I have to fill out forms.

The numbering system I use is fairly loose. I use a lot, not many, quite a few, far too many to count, etc rather than basic numerals, That is not to say I can’t understand or do mathematical problems. I was taught the basic skills, recited my times tables until they came out of my mouth automatically and even mastered algebra and calculus when I was young but never really truly enjoyed it or found much use for it. Combine that with growing up in England and figuring out pounds, shillings and pence and pounds, (different kind), ounces and stones and you can see why my love for numbers is not pronounced.
When I was teaching grade 1 in the 60s, New Math was all the fashion. Can you imagine a class of 35 kids 6 years old each with their own box of Cuisenaire rods, a clever system of colored blocks based on a numerical size. By manipulating them in different patterns, numbers and basic math was taught. The kids loved them. The noise of all these blocks of color being shifted about was incredible. The rods were forever falling on the floor getting lost. Kids stuck them up their nose and in their ears. Lots of interesting structures were built. How much the kids learned about numbers is debatable.

Trying to visualize large numbers is incredible difficult too. All those huge crowds that gather for large events and someone always seems to be able to say just how many there are. Quite amazing really and not always believable. I liked the idea of the school that was collecting 1,000,000 cents to give to charity but also to let the children visualize a million.
I’ve also noticed that we don’t seem to use millions so much anymore as billions and trillions are much more in fashion. I doubt if many people can even imagine a trillion so it becomes just another word. Writing it is entirely a different puzzle. Just how many zeros would that be? A lot!!

Maybe that’s why I never buy lotto tickets. I can’t imagine those huge amounts of cash and whatever would I do with it if I won it. Lucky numbers feature in many people’s choice for choosing lotto numbers and most people seem to have a regular lucky number.
Now is it a coincidence or just luck that my house number when I first met Mike was 171 and I found out shortly after that his house number was also 171. Did that seal our destiny? Our house number now is 1177 so I can only think luck and good fortune  is still with us.

So numbers except for the few I need to use, hold no fascination for me.
You won’t find me playing Bingo. Meanwhile Mike is fixated on Sudoko but I give up on it after the first line.

 P S. Please post your thoughts on this topic in the comment box and become one of my followers.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rambling with Names on my Mind

Big Sad Tom
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
William Shakespeare

I often have to think about names. Names can be the difference between life and death in a few cases. That’s a bit dramatic until I explain it. Every week or so I take photos at my local animal shelter of all the adoptable animals so I can advertise them on the internet. I have sometimes found the name I give them can make all the difference between being adopted or not. Take for instance, Big Sad Tom. When I saw him, a huge tabby cat with a few years on him, I doubted if he even would get on the adoption list. He looked so sad. So that’s how he got his name. Prospective adopters must have thought so too because in a few days he was adopted.

And it’s not just him. People often adopt pets because they had a Buddy when they were a child, or Lucy reminds them of the daughter that is no longer with them, or Fluffkins is obviously the cutest fluffiest kitten you can imagine. Mind you, Fang for a little timid chihuahua and Snowball for the blackest cat I ever saw worked well too.

It’s a bit like that with peoples names as well. If you say any name you immediately get an impression about that kind of person, depending on your personal experiences. Bill and Fred seem very straightforward and reliable to me. Tiffany or Vanessa are ladies destined to be famous in some way. Does our impression really hold true of the person? Does the name itself shape the person? If that is true it would be wise to really study names.

We all have some time looked up the meaning of our name and depending on what it says, agree or disagree. Its always nice to read you are a ‘seeker after truth” or “the most loyal” Have you notices it doesn’t often say in those name  meaning books , “a real nasty piece of work” or “liar “ or “ glutton”.

A great deal of time usually goes into a finding new baby’s name. Does it sound right? Is it modern enough? Will it go with the surname?  Our granddaughter Ashleye was in the newborn nursery flanked on all sides by nine other little babies, Ashley, Ashleigh, Ashleey etc. The era of your birth is often associated with your name. Not many Flo or Matilda’s about now.

Some names are also funny, at least to other people. I went to school with a nice girl called Hazel Hedge and I often wonder if she got married and what her name is now. I hope it isn’t Hazel Bush or Hazel Nutt.  My mum once told me she stopped going out with a boy called Bert Bug as she couldn’t bear the thought of becoming Mrs. Bug. She saved me from being a little bug  Thank you Mum.

As you get older, it seems names get less important. I look at a photo of high school friends and even though I can remember the person and even events of that time, their name completely escapes me... So if I met one of these friends now would I remember her name if I came face to face with her but then again would I even recognize her at all? A thought to ponder.