Mind Ramblings
When I was growing up in England, one of the nice things to do was to take a”ramble” through the countryside. This was not a hike, complete with heavy backpack or an exercise routine dressed in the appropriate jogging suit but a gentle leisurely amble through the woods and fields, looking at the odd flower, dead bird or whatever crossed your path. You went where the path would take you or where it might lead to another interesting place.
It occurred to me that as I was doing my daily exercise walk, which I try to do every morning for about half an hour, I was still ‘rambling’ but at this point it was my mind that was going from one thought to another. For background you should know also I do my walk just up and down my driveway many times with a counter to mark my progress so you really do need to let your mind wander a bit or it would get ultra boring. How interesting and peculiar are the thoughts that flow from a random idea, song or view. They pop into your head lead on here and there through your mind – rambling.
So spurred on by old friends who has just started blogging,(see Then & Now) and because I enjoying reading their blog very much I thought I’d give it a try as well to write down some of these ramblings of the mind on a blog. Might be interesting, might not but I like to try new things and at my age new things to try are getting a bit limited.
I certainly see lots of new things around and am envious of the younger people these days who still have the physical skill and strength to try and enjoy them although to be honest, even in my youth I wouldn’t have been one to go bungee jumping or sky diving. Extreme sports? No not really my cup of tea. But I do like to try these new technologies and gadgets that seem to come out even more frequently than I can count these days. I’m not that much interested in how the new gadget looks or works but more in what it can do and can I use it? My husband will be the first to tell you technical I am not
Computers seem to me to be a”magical tool”. How did we ever manage without them? I first started exploring them without any training, the way I do most new things; just by learning through a discovery method- See it, Try it, if it works Great, If not try another way. It’s just amazing how much you can find out that way.
I tried first an old Commodore machine, loaned from the local library, so clunky and boring but fascinating as well for its time, then graduated to the wonderful Amiga and was thrilled to learn how to paint and even make quaint animated videos on it. I remember going to a club meeting of Amiga enthusiasts, mostly older and younger men, very few women and listening to a discussion on the first attempts at email and searching on the internet. The birth of the World Wide Web! Truly amazing! But that’s another rambling for another time.
The trouble with “mind rambling” is just knowing when to stop. That’s why it’s useful to have a walking counter, even if my Grandkids think it’s a bit strange.