Happiness runs in a circular motion
Thought is like a little boat upon the sea.
Everybody is a part of everything anyway,
You can have everything if you let yourself be.
Thought is like a little boat upon the sea.
Everybody is a part of everything anyway,
You can have everything if you let yourself be.
As I listened to the song “Happiness Runs” sung by Donovan, my mind drifted into a circular thought and I asked Mike if he had any thoughts about circles. He said,
” Did you know that anyone who can draw a perfect circle is considered clinically insane?” . Well I tried to draw a perfect circle and realized that drawing any kind of circle freehand is ultra difficult if not impossible. I have to think, if you did manage by trying over and over to draw the perfect circle, you would in fact, go insane. I did ask Mike where this information came from and he said according to Jack Farley, an old friend, this was well known and came from the Department of They.
Of course I fell for it.” Never heard of it .What is that?” I said.
“Oh surely you have heard of them…. They said this and They said that…” Obviously an old version of Wikipedia
So I looked around and started noticing circles everywhere and some important ones at that. The most obvious ones are the wheels on our cars. Have you noticed how many different kinds there are now? Some seem even more fancier than the car itself. Probably if there hadn’t been circular wheels we’d all be a long way behind in civilization. Square wheels don’t work too well unless you are Fred Flintstone
I’ve always liked circles Remember those playground games where everyone held hands in a circle and chanted various rhymes.” Ring a ring a rosie, a pocket full of posies”. Little kids love that one and I found it to be a good ice-breaker for the kindergarteners.
Think of all the ball games you know- where would they be without a circle to start. - Tennis balls, soccer balls, cricket, baseballs and ping-pong balls. The list goes on. Yes I know a few have squished the ball to make it an oval but that probably came about after the circular ball got sat on a few times.
Our world is a big huge circle as well. When we think of the planets and stars not many rectangle or square ones come to mind. I really don’t think there are any, well at least none that we have found as yet. Maybe the square planets are somewhere in those black holes that everyone talks about.
And what about the circles, the ones we can’t see. My ramblings circle through my mind and link one to another circling round and round. I expect you’ve noticed that by now.
Have you ever walked a labyrinth? It is a circular type pathway maze once used by pilgrims. Now it is used as an experience for expanding the mind. You walk on pathways that go round and round in circles. If you ever find one, try walking it and let your mind circle as you walk. It’s very satisfying and calming for the soul..
If you think about it, life seems to go in circles anyway. From birth the baby grows, becomes a child, becomes an adult, gets married, has offspring. gets old, get incapacitated, becomes like an infant again and then dies thereby circling life. Just one gap in this circle, the one between birth and death which is still a mystery but I am one of those people who think there is surely a closure to complete the circle. I’ll save that deep ramble for another day.